Work Package 3
Work Package 3: Stakeholder and policy engagement
To bring together, engage and inform an informal, yet effective advocacy coalition on care comprising relevant government, civil society and technical role players at regional and national levels, in order to:
- Identify and connect key advocates working on agendas that are relevant to, and have a stake in the expansion of care provisioning and infrastructures;
- Work with such actors’ to explore, and develop frames to coalesce around, a care-focused nexus of common interest;
- Work with actors collectively and individually to i) identify, and shape the generation within WP1 and WP2 of, specific advocacy-relevant evidence; and ii) value, interpret, and effectively deploy the evidence to inform and engage political actors that are key to influencing policy, legal or programming agendas and debates.
To develop these outputs, WP 3 will:
- map relevant regional, sub-regional, national and sub-national advocacy actors in the fields of gender and women’s economic empowerment, early child development and care, aging and long-term care, gender and women’s economic empowerment, youth and employment ;
- convene forums, at regional and national levels to bring together identified actors to explore shared care-focused interests and frames for common advocacy on expansion of ECC and LTC provisioning and infrastructures;
- convene workshops that bring together advocacy actors to, jointly, identify priority needs for- and consider and interpret findings of- the evidence generation in WP1 and 2; and articulate arguments on the case and directions for expanding LTC and ECC provisioning and infrastructures;
- work with advocacy actors to (i) identify relevant moments, channels, forums and required approaches for engaging policy- and decision makers and other key political constituencies on the generated evidence and arguments, (ii) support active engagement through strategic convenings and (iii) identify effective ways to communicate our evidence and arguments to wider, including public, audiences.