Collaboration et partnerships
Research Partners
The research team of African scholars and policy engagement experts and international researchers is led by the African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC), in conjunction with the Africa Regional Centre of Excellence in Generational Economics (CREG); the Perivoli Africa Research Centre (PARC), University of Bristol (UoB) and the Centre for Global Social Policy, University of Toronto (UoT). APHRC and UoB staff will lead Work Packages 1 and 3, while CREG and UoT will be responsible, respectively, for coordinating Work Package 2 and 4. African feminist macroeconomics thought-leaders from the NAWI Afrifem Macroeconomics Collective, and the Institute for Economic Justice (IEJ) will provide substantive advisory input on work across all work packages.
Policy Partners
Our programme will be anchored in core partnerships with technical and governmental bodies at continental level and at national levels. At each level, partner will support the identification and bringing together or relevant advocacy actors, and the engagement with relevant government policy and political role players including those related to finance and economic planning processes. The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) working in conjunction with the African Union (AU) will be our key anchoring partner at continental level. Within UNECA, the partnership focal point will be the Gender Poverty and Social Policy (GPSP) Division, which will ensure interdivisional cooperation with and engagement of the UNECA Macroeconomic and governance (MGD) division, which works with and supports national governments in developing their macroeconomic plans, and the Demographics and Social Statistics (DSS) Division, which can support access to national survey data and platforms, and help promote the adoption of new care-related data collection across countries. We expect, moreover, that UNECA-AU will enable relevant connections to the sub-regional policy mechanisms within the relevant East and West African regional economic communities EAC and ECOWAS.
At the national level in Kenya, our program will be anchored in partnerships with UNFPA Kenya in conjunction with the Kenya National Council for Population and Development. Corresponding anchoring partners in Senegal will be UNFPA Senegal in conjunction with the Directorate General for Planning and Economic Policy in the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Cooperation.