High-level dialogue with parliamentarians on unpaid domestic work

The high-level consultation with parliamentarians on unpaid domestic work held on July 10, 2024 at the Axil Hotel in Dakar, highlighted the significant impact of unpaid domestic work in the Care Economy on national economic growth.
The data presented revealed the scale of Unpaid Domestic Work and gaps, its impact on the Care Economy and significant gender gaps in the distribution of Unpaid Domestic Work, ranging from 6.2 hours per day in Kolda to just 42 minutes per day in Dakar for men.
This type of work is often invisible and unrecognized by GDP, even though it is essential to the well-being of the people « cared for ». The failure to include unpaid domestic work in the calculation of Senegal’s GDP is a failure of national production, making the current GDP an underestimated value.
The participants called for greater awareness among decision-makers, especially members of parliament, so that they integrate this issue into their public policies from now on. The workshop provided an opportunity to mobilize parliamentarians to take unpaid domestic work effectively into account when drawing up the country’s economic and social programs.