Workshop on Africa Care Economy

The Consortium Régional pour la Recherche en Économie Générationnelle (CREG), in partnership with the African Population and Heath Research Center (APHR), is organizing a discussion forum on the development of  Africa Centered Care Economy at  Rhino Resort Hotel in Saly, Senegal.

As part of the global agenda on women’s work and unpaid care work (WUCW) and in relation  to Target 5.4 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this agenda focuses on recognizing, reducing and redistributing the burden of care, which falls largely on women and girls, while taking into account the growing need for long-term care for the elderly in Africa.

This discussion will address the realities, challenges and prospects associated with care tasks, which fall predominantly on women and limit their economic opportunities.

Supported by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation as part of the Care Economy Africa Project (CEAP), this forum will bring together government decision-makers, civil society representatives, researchers and actors committed to gender issues and women’s empowerment in Africa.

Discussions will be based on studies carried out in Senegal and Kenya, in relation to public policy and development in Africa.

NB:  The Agenda  will be shared very soon.

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